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Saturday Newsletter 5: Classic Self-improvement

The 3 Short Weekly Quote Deconstruction

Quote/Idea 1

“You are under no obligation to remain the same person you were a year ago, a month ago, or even a day ago. You are here to create yourself, continuously.”

- Richard Feynman

Keep transforming as different situations may require different versions of you. If you stay stagnant, you aren’t prepared enough. Think you’ve reached your peak self? There’s an even higher peak waiting for you in the distance. More journeys to travel… Life is a series of journeys.

Quote/Idea 2

“Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.”

- Vincent Van Gogh

Learn to fall in love with what you are doing. Meditation, journaling, or whatever you’ve wanted to become good at. For example, with writing, the reason I find time to write isn’t just because it’s what I want to become good at, it’s also because I genuinely enjoy writing something good. I love it. And if I love it, I’ll eventually get good at it.

Quote/Idea 3

“To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.”

- Anatole France

We need a vision. Because action without vision is walking into a dark cave, not knowing where you’re going and accidentally falling on a bunch of rocks, hurting you. Basically, it leads you nowhere, hurts you energy-wise and wastes your time. But without faith, we won’t go far as well. We may have a vision, but if we don’t believe in it, it becomes a dream. We may plan something but if we have no faith in the plan, we won’t go through with it.


These quotes give you the three foundations of classic self-improvement.

  1. The idea that you need to constantly improve.

  2. Falling in love with the good habits.

  3. Having faith and a vision.

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See you next week,

Tyriel Desvignes

Creator of Tyrielism