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  • Saturday Newsletter 4: The Unstoppable

Saturday Newsletter 4: The Unstoppable

The 3 Short Weekly Quote Deconstruction

Quote/Idea 1

“It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory.”

- Napoleon Bonaparte

It’s not the tool that makes us successful, it’s up to us whether we succeed or not. You can have the best circumstances in the world but if you play it wrong, you could end up worse. To succeed, aim to build character, the rest will follow. Money, fitness, relationship, anything you want! Great character, no matter the circumstances or whatever you have been given, will guide you to the top.

Build a great character and you’ll become unstoppable.

Quote/Idea 2

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”

- Thomas Jefferson

What makes a great character? Mental attitude; how we react to the outside world. Do we have a fixed mindset or growth mindset? Nobody can really stop anyone with the right mental attitude because they’ll continue no matter what. They’ll win even if it takes years to get results. They’ll eventually find a way. Same with someone with the wrong mental attitude. Nobody can stop them from failing. Cause whether they realise or not, they’ll find a way to fail.

Mental attitude creates character.

Quote/Idea 3

“We are all broken—that’s how the light gets in.”

- Ernest Hemingway

We may have made mistakes, but that doesn’t stop us from being able to right those wrongs. These mistakes, though they break us down, improves us long term if we use it right. Like in the gym where you microtear your muscles. Every experience microtears your character, allowing you to rebuild yourself into a better person.

Bad experiences give way to a potentially better you.

Actionable Step

Go out, experience life and practice mental attitude. Learn about stoicism, meditation or any stress management technique. Then go out and apply them. The goal is to build yourself up into a better person.

Hey friend, thanks for reading this email! If you’re down to share some ideas found in this newsletter, feel free to send this to a friend.

Here are some extra links if you want more:

See you next week,

Tyriel Desvignes

Creator of Tyrielism