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  • Saturday Newsletter 3: Fast Bold Action

Saturday Newsletter 3: Fast Bold Action

The 3 Short Weekly Quote Deconstruction

Quote/Idea 1

“Never was anything great achieved without danger.”

- Niccolo Machiavelli

Greatness can be dangerous. Most of the time it is dangerous! If you want to find long term success, learn to find long term hardship. The hardships that are going to bring you to greatness. A classic example is a business. Try getting into business and aim for a thousand. Then go up from there. If you’re anything like me, you’ll try out many business models and fail. But that’s alright.

Quote/Idea 2

“Impatience with actions, patience with results.”

- Naval Ravikant

Thought of your next course of action? Go for it immediately. Start working on it. For example, writing, if you have an idea, write down a first draft for future you to edit. The results will compound the more you do. Remember to stay directional and be patient cause it may take months or years to finally get the results you want. Success, once you have passed the prerequisites of persistence and direction (an idea of where to go), is ultimately a test of patience. How patient are you with action and result?

Quote/Idea 3

“Hesitation puts obstacles in your path, boldness eliminates them. Once you understand this, you will find it essential to overcome your natural timidity and practice the art of audacity.”

- Robert Greene

The skill of fast action is achieved through boldness. And how do I do this? Action. Because as David J. Schwartz says, ‘Action cures fear’. Start putting in the reps. Start with lower risked actions and slowly go up. For example, a minor investment to a major investment. Essentially, progressive overload the skill of action. You’ll start off as a slow action taker and gradually speed up.

Actionable Step

What do you want to start doing? Jot that down and start doing it as soon as you write it down. As a starter, learn and execute as fast as you can. Learn to be a fast bold action taker.

Hey friend, thanks for reading this email! If you’re down to share some ideas found in this newsletter, feel free to send this to a friend.

Here are some extra links if you want more:

See you next week,

Tyriel Desvignes

Creator of Tyrielism