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  • Saturday Newsletter 2: Thoughts and Action

Saturday Newsletter 2: Thoughts and Action

The 3 Short Weekly Quote Deconstruction

Quote/Idea 1

“A man who suffers before it is necessary, suffers more than necessary.”

- Seneca

I recently got a bad buzz cut. It’s bad because of my high hairline. Even though I’ve grown to love this cut, part of me still worries that it may be ridiculed when I go back to school. Truth is, it likely won’t and even if it does, it’ll be for a short period of time. I’ve had many bad haircuts in the past and no one has said a word. So, knowing that, in the meantime, I’ll rest.

Even if you have something to worry about, there’s really no point in being anxious now. You’ll ruin an otherwise great day focusing on the wrong thing.

Focus on the present, ground yourself to the right-now. Meditate for a minute if you want. You’re here, not there.

Quote/Idea 2

“Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens.”

- Epictetus

What can you control in the current moment? Your actions and reactions. Everything else is unnecessary to worry about as thinking it won’t make a difference. Take what happens to you and respond accordingly. Do what you believe is best.

You can’t control others but you can definitely curate what goes through your head. If you curate it correctly (or to the best of your ability), you’ll likely be able to make a good decision.

Quote/Idea 3

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.”

- Viktor E Frankl

There’s always going to be emotions, it’s a fickle thing; we can’t control it. But you don’t have to react to your emotions. You can acknowledge it and proceed to do what’s best for everyone. Action is something you can control. Once you realise that, you’ll grow.

Actionable Step

Emotional actions can cause damage when left unchecked. So, whenever you get a negative thought, get used to pausing. Take a deep breath if you have to. Count up to 5 and decide on your next action.

Hey friend, thanks for reading this email! If you’re down to share some ideas found in this newsletter, feel free to send this to a friend.

Here are some extra links if you want more:

See you next week,

Tyriel Desvignes

Creator of Tyrielism