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  • Saturday Email 1: The why, the what, the how

Saturday Email 1: The why, the what, the how

The 3 Short Weekly Quote Deconstruction

Quote/Idea 1

“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”

- Friedrich Nietzsche

If you truly want it, whether it be financial success, physical success or relationship success, you’ll always find a way to get it. It may take days, months, or years but you’ll eventually get it.

But how do you ‘truly’ want it? Have a reason to want it. What is your ‘why’?

Actionable Step

Look at your current situation and figure out your current ‘why’. Finding a lifetime ‘why’ can be a challenge so we’ll need to start small.

For example, let’s say you’re studying. Your current ‘why’ would be to get the highest mark in class or to absorb the most information. Once you have a ‘why’, you’ll find a way to overcome obstacles.

Quote/Idea 2

“Live your life as though your every act were to become a universal law.”

- Immanuel Kant

Now that you have your ‘why’, you’ll need to figure out the ‘what’. You aren’t going to overcome external obstacles if you’re still being held back by internal problems. Think, what does a normal human need? Solve your basic issues: Food, water, shelter, relationships, good sleep, good hygiene, stress management (Through breathing practices, philosophy, etc). Figure them out.

Now employ higher-order thinking. What would benefit everyone if everyone did what I do? For example, let’s say you’re a writer, if everyone was a writer, what would you want them to do?

First of all, you’d want great writing so you’d want them to learn the basics. You’d want them to improve by practicing. Next, you’d want them to write about something interesting or frame it in an interesting way. So you’d go out and do interesting things; take inspiration from other writers or go out and experience the world.

Actionable Step

Do what normal humans need to do; prioritise your mental health by fulfilling the needs mentioned above. Once you’ve done that, go to your why and implement the prompt, ‘What would benefit everyone if everyone did what I do?’

Quote/Idea 3

“Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.”

- Albert Camus

Now that you have the ‘why’ and the ‘what’, you’ll need a ‘how’. How will you conduct yourself?

You need to do everything for your future self, make it easier for them. Help them with the resources you have today. Giving your all.

Go take risks, so your future self doesn’t have to. Go pursue that business or try out that physical endeavour, so your future self won’t be nervous to try it out. Frame it as though you are planning to give your future self the lessons without having to go through the pain. Take the pain now, receive the lessons later.

Actionable Step

Help your future self by doing short term actions that impact long term success. For example, try joining an MMA gym for the first time if you want to become a more well rounded person or more confident. Short term it may be a month of training but long term it will be an amalgamation of valuable lifelong lessons.

Hey friend, thanks for reading this email! If you’re down to share some ideas found in this newsletter, feel free to send this to a friend.

Here are some extra links if you want more:

See you next week,

Tyriel Desvignes

The teenager who created Tyrielism